Reichert Saddlery & Farm Supply, LLC.

Leonard, MN

Bring your saddle in for a professional cleaning & oiling

Starting at $50 (Extra fees apply for rough-out & excess grime)

Plan a Saddle Fitting Clinic or Group Fitting!!
Get a group together &

we will come to your location

​This is a great opportunity for clubs!

Our saddle fitting clinic consists of:
✔️ a hands-on educational session
✔️q & a
✔️ personal saddle fitting for each participant
✔️ a take-home saddle fitting booklet


Schedule your Saddle Fitting

Spring is right around the corner!!

Check out our Custom Saddles tab under Saddles for more info & to see some of the beautiful custom saddles we have done for our customers

Call us at 218-968-2248

to schedule a fitting

Contact us at 


or email at

High Time to...